WinAsks Editor Questionnaire X Files Quiz Quiz about X Files This is a sample questionnaires created with WinAsks Professional SmartLite Software Do you know what X-Files is? One would not say from your score... You answered correctly to some questions, but only to the half of the questionnaire...Retry and you will improve! Here we are! Only a little effort and you will reach the top score! Here is the genius of X-Files! You reached the end of the questionnaire...compliments! You did not miss an episode, did you? C:\WASKS2 C:\WASKS2 Are you a fan of X-Files? Prove it with these 10 questions! WARNING: in this questionnaire, you cannot make any mistake. If you miss an answer, you'll have to restart! You can ask for 3 tips. c:\wasks2\sample\xfiles X Files Quiz Quests |Page %p| Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Which may be the identity of Mulder's father? The man who smokes An alien A policeman A scientist Unknown MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 100100 With how many informers did Mulder come into contact? Three Seven MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 001100 How did Scully's dog die? Run over by a car- Eaten by a crocodile or a prehistoric reptile, It's not died at all until the fourth series Falling in a ravine& Hit by a bullet destined to its master MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 010010 What is the caliber of the weapon Scully always use? 7.32 mm 7.65 mm MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 000110 In which episode did Mulder's father die? Homicide Passion Anasazi Burned alive Apparent death Strange wounds MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 110000 How many years have the two protagonists of the series been under contract? 4 times for one year 2 times for 3 years 5 years 6 years 7 years MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 001100 Whom did Gillian Anderson get married to? The director of the series A football player An economy expert The scriptwriter of the series An actor of the series MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 000110 What does Mulder love eating sometimes? Chocolate ice cream Mint-drops Cloves Sunflower seeds Pistachio MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 010100 What is Mulder's nickname since university? The fussy Don Juan The spectral The funeral The UFO MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 001010 In which year of the series did Anderson get pregnant? She's never been pregnant First series Second series Third series* Both in the first and in the second series MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif 001010